Craig's Blog

Craig McCarter's 2009 Alaskan Journey

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho ... It's Off To Alaska I Go!

Well the mount for my Garmin Zumo 550 was waiting on my doorstep when I arrived home this afternoon. This time, the part that they shipped fixed the power problem!!! So I should be on the road sometime fairly early tomorrow morning, Tuesday, June 9th. My destination is Louisville, Kentucky. If all goes well I should post from the Hampton Inn tomorrow evening.


  1. 060909, 6am. Hope this mornings storm passes over you quickly or that you can ride beyond it. Some bad lightning here in Manassas. Hope to catch you this evening. WSM

  2. Just got back from the Fla trip...and Alyssa's graduation. Hope all is going well and will check back in tonite after bible study. kent

  3. I know you're proud to have reverse on your bike, however I think your trip will be more enjoyable and timely if you ride facing the west! (see your green motorcycle icon to appreciate)



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Woodstock, Virginia, United States