Yet another herd of buffalo!

Entering Yellowstone.

The hot springs were dry!
Today it got a tad warm as I saw 84 degrees approaching Yellowstone, our first national park. There were also a few sprinkles along the 333 miles today but nothing significant.
I am sitting at a picnic table in the southern most campground, Lewis Lake CG, in Yellowstone as I type this in preparation for posting once I get internet access. I have a mosquito net over my head that I purchased from Wal-Mart before leaving home. It is working great. But I've killed many mosquitoes that were trying to suck blood from my bare typing hands. I set up and provisioned the tent with great care to not let any mosquitoes inside to keep me company tonight.
The ride down to Yellowstone from Great Falls, Montana, over Route 89 was enjoyable. Especially once the Rocky Mountains came into view.
I can't say that I am that big a fan of Yellowstone from a touring standpoint. There is far too much wildfire damage that has spoiled the beauty of the area. Maybe if I'd get off the bike and hike some of the many trails I'd feel differently.
I had to wait almost an hour to get a picture of Old Faithful blowing her top! But she made the wait worthwhile.
I plan on heading down to the Grand Tetons and Jackson, Wyoming tomorrow. I'll return to this same campsite after tomorrows explorations.
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