This and the following pictures were taken in the Badlands National Park.
It rained most of the time I was there so I'm surprised that the pictures turned out as well as they did.

Today I started out from Rapid City, SD in the rain. And it rained pretty much for the fist 100 miles until I was through the Badlands National Park.
The Badlands are pretty neat when you consider the history of how the lawless used them to avoid justice. But as far as geography goes they have a hard time competing with similar geography in places like Arches NP. That said, and even taking the rain into account, I have to say that I enjoyed my 30 some miles riding through the Badlands very much.
The majority of the day was spent in the plains between the two cities of Rapid and Sioux in South Dakota. The fields were green and I didn't see evidence of irrigation that I'd seen in the high desert regions prior to the Blackhills of South Dakota.
Tomorrow there are no scenic stops scheduled and I hope to end up in East Peoria, Illinois tomorrow evening. It should be about a 470 mile day. About the same as today's 478 miles.
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