Craig's Blog

Craig McCarter's 2009 Alaskan Journey

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 4 (June 12,2009) Finds Me In Moab, Utah

I had a wonderous day of traveling today. I covered 368 miles from Denver to Moab, Utah. There were some threats of rain and storms but it was mostly sunny and I didn't get rained on.

After I passed through the skiing region (Summit County) of the Rockies the road and scenery were all new to me. And what wonderful scenery it was too! Glenwood Canyon was awesome as it followed the path that the Colorado River had cut through the mountains. I didn't realize that Colorado had mesas but as I traveled through Mesa County, CO there was one visual treat after another.

Once I entered Utah the landscape sort of flattened out a bit. But once I turned off Interstate 70, I travelled 50 miles viewing giant mesas as I followed the Route 128 along the Colorado River. It was really nice to get off the interstate and slow down from 75 to 45 mph. I am definitely sold on the idea of taking the road less traveled.

I took 238 pictures and could have taken hundreds more. Unfortunately neither pictures or words can do what I saw justice. I'm glad that I've been given sight and the opportunity to make these memories!


  1. Hope you get wake up to a cool exhilurating morning for the true begining of your tour. Salt flats are probably open for some speed runs.
    Love, WSM (aka Scott)
    PS. I only post anonymous because I don't know how to do any of the other selections.

  2. Plus Scott's in the B.P.P. (Blogger Protection Plan) so he's not at liberty to "own up" to his posts.

    Enjoy the salt flats!

  3. WOW!!!! Great pictures. Looks and sounds like you are having a great time. I have been checking your blog every day and enjoy following your travels. So be careful.



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Woodstock, Virginia, United States