Craig's Blog

Craig McCarter's 2009 Alaskan Journey

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 16 - Rain Delay

This is the the sea part of the Sea to Sky Highway.

The following two pictures were taken in Squamish in the late afternoon when the rain stopped.

The weather doesn't look good for the next couple of days with a 70% chance of rain and temperatures of highs in the 60s. If the forecast for Thurdsay was good, I think that I'd just stay put in Surrey but I can't sit still for 2 days. So I'll press on and hope that the rain is moderate and the visibility good!

I put 78 miles on the bike in heavy to steady downpour. I decided that by the time that I reached Squamish, BC that I'd had enough. My rain gear was keeping me pretty dry but I was missing all the scenery I'd traveled this far to see. I'm settling in, taking a shower, and eating a late lunch.

I don't know what I'll do in the morning as the current forecast is the same for tomorrow. Eventually we all will know!


  1. Those "clicks" you hear in your head several times per day are from me checking on your progress. Thanks for the wonderful pics and descriiptions.

    Hokie Neighbor

  2. My brothers can sure be a nuisance can't they. Glad you are someplace to stay dry. Later, Scott

  3. Actually, Hokie Neighbor is my friend on the corner of Jackson & Jefferson.



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Woodstock, Virginia, United States